redirect.htm: Defeating File Integrity Checks Through Redirection
Defeating File Integrity Checks Through Redirection
by Victor Porguen
25 November 1998
Courtesy of Fravia's pages of reverse engineering ~ Slightly edited by Fravia+
Well, what can I say: read and enjoy! Thanks Victor: viral research applied to
reversing has quite a lot to offer... hope you'll send more!
And he did indeed, see: Redirection Revisited -- Achieving Redirection Through API Spoofing, which
was published in the +HCU papers on 12 december 1998...
Defeating File Integrity Checks Through Redirection
Victor Porguen
25 November, 1998
Target: WINFAX PRO 9.0 30 day Try-Buy
Tools: SoftIce, Hexeditor
Back in the "days of the older ones" we used to create reasonably
deceptive viruses that used "stealth" techniques to hide code changes
from CRC and integrity checkers. Simply put, when the integrity
checking routine opened the file, or made a file read, the viral
code would substitute the correct code in place of the modified
code thus preventing detection regardless of the complexity of the
CRC algorithm. This same concept can be applied to cracking time
limited programs that go to the trouble of checking the integrity
of the executable from the disk file (as opposed to checking the
code while it is in memory).
WINFAX 9.0 from Symantec has the common 30-day Try-Buy interface
that we have all grown to know and love. Cracking the date
limitation while SoftIce is loaded in memory is a rather trivial
exercise. Nevertheless we must first address the actual "crack"
before we can examine the more interesting aspect of defeating the
file integrity check. The usual methods of tracing through the
code, setting appropriate breakpoints, and so forth will lead you
to the routine that awaits the "click" on either the "Buy Now" "Try
First" or "Cancel" option of course, the "Try First" option is
disabled after 30 days. One of the simplest methods for locating
this area of code is to place a breakpoint on DIALOGBOXPARAMA.
When SoftIce pops up, F11 will execute the CALL, click on "Try
First" and SoftIce will pop up once more, and then F12 will break
on the RETurn out of the subroutine, which will be OFFSET 00408BA7.
You will now be sitting smack dab in the middle of the date
checking routine and the necessary crack should be readily
apparent. Here is the disassembly:
014F:00408B75 A3E8864300 MOV [004386E8] ,EAX
014F:00408B7A 892D14864300 MOV [00438614] ,EBP
014F:00408B80 E84B960100 CALL 004221DO
014F:00408B85 83C408 ADD ESP,08
014F:00408B88 85CO TEST EAX ,EAX
014F:00408B8A 751D JNZ 00408BA9
014F:00408B8C 6868044300 PUSH 00430468
014F:00408B91 68A0834300 PUSH 004383AO
014F:00408B96 E83 5960100 CALL 004221DO
014F:00408B9B 83C408 ADD ESP,08
014F:00408B9E 85CO TEST EAX, EAX
014F:00408BAO 7507 JNZ 00408BA9
014F:00408BA2 E809D5FFFF CALL 004060BO
014F:00408BA7 EB05 JMP 00408BAE
014F:00408BA9 B801000000 MOV EAX, 00000001
014F:00408BAE 83F8FF CMP EAX,-01
014F:00408BBI 55 PUSH EBP
014F:00408BB2 7514 JNZ 00408BC8
014F:00408BB4 FF1540D24200 CALL [USER32!PostQuitMessage]
A two second review of this disassembly reveals the fact that if
the program executes the instruction at 00408BA9 there will be no
expiration of the program. Further, if the program does NOT
execute the CALL at 00408BA2 the "nag" screen will never display.
From these two facts flow the obvious conclusion that if the CALL
at 00408B80 returns EAX as anything but zero, then the program will
be cracked. Setting the system date forward to expire the program
and setting a breakpoint on 00408B8A and "forcing the jump" through
manual clearing of the zero flag while under SoftIce confirms that
this is indeed the crack. When I first attacked this target I
thought to myself "Hmm, that was rather disappointing ... only five
minutes to crack the program." However, when I made the actual
byte change in the diskfile FAXMNG32.EXE, it produced page faults.
I immediately assumed I had mistyped the patch (which was nothing
more than making the conditional jump unconditional). However,
under SoftIce the patch was exactly as it should be -- and there
was no theoretical reason that this patch should create page faults
unintentionally, therefore the page faults must be on purpose (and
I couldn't have been more pleased). The first step, of course, was
to set a debug register breakpoint for memory reads on the one-byte
patch to see if the integrity routine was checking memory. It
wasn't, so the only other possibility was that it was checking the
file from the disk. Setting a breakpoint on CREATEFILEA and
reviewing the names of the files that were to be opened confirmed
that the program was indeed checking itself on disk and not just
once, it was running a thread in the background that was constantly
checking the integrity of the file. How nice. Simply renaming the
file and keeping a copy of the original file intact was not the
solution since the program was bright enough to actually open and
check the file under the name that it was executing as well as the
correct name of FAXMNG32.EXE.
It is at this point that we address the issue for which this
essay is named: Defeating File Integrity Checks Through
Redirection. The first step in the process is determining the
location of the CALL that is opening FAXMNG32.EXE for checking.
Setting a breakpoint on CREATEFILEA as detailed above finds the
call in jiffy-quick time. Here is the disassembly of the call that
repeatedly opens FAXMNG32.EXE and which we will "cut out" below:
014F:00421B72 55 PUSH EBP
014F:00421B73 51 PUSH ECX
014F:00421B74 53 PUSH EBX
014F;00421B75 52 PUSH EDX
014F:00421B76 50 PUSH EAX
014F:00421B77 FF1568D04200 CALL [KERNEL32!CreateFileA]
014F:00421B7D 8BF8 MOV EDI, EAX
The next step is to find an area of code that is suitable to
hold our "stealth" routine that will substitute an "unhacked" copy
of the file for the cracked copy. If we look back to where we know
we must insert the crack we see the CALL 004221D0 at offset
00408B80, which we know is the key to defeating the date check. If
this code routine is not called elsewhere in the program, we can
use that code area to house our routine and have that CALL return
EAX as nonzero (which is the CRACK!). Setting a breakpoint on
004221D0 confirms that the routine is only used to check the date,
thus we now have room to work. First, we apply the crack so that
the CALL at offset 00408B80 always returns EAX as non-zero.
Putting the value of one in AL and RETurning will do nicely. Thus
we now have the following short crack code at offset 004221D0:
014F:004221DO BOO1 MOV AL,01
014F:004221D2 C3 RET
Now we must create the routine, right after the short crack
code, that will check the name of the file that is to be opened
and, if it is the target file FAXMNG32.EXE, change the name to be
opened to a file that is identical but unhacked ("virgin"). If it
is not the target file, simply open whatever file is named and
chain back to the correct code. If it is the target file, open the
"virgin" file that is identical to the original unhacked
FAXMNG32.EXE, and then chain back to the correct code. For the
"virgin" file I chose to name it !AXMNG32.EXE because of the
simplicity of changing one letter in the name. Here is a
disassembly of the code that 1) Scans the address on the stack for
zero, indicating the end of the filepath name; 2) Checks the name
of the file, and if it is the target file, replace the first letter
of the name with an "!", which is the name of the virgin file; and
3) Open the file (whether the name was changed or not) and jmp back
to the correct code.
014F:004221D3 5B POP EBX
014F:004221D4 53 PUSH EBX
014F:004221D5 8A03 MOV AL, [EBX]
014F:004221D7 43 INC EBX
014F:004221D8 OACO OR AL,AL
014F:004221DA 75F9 JNZ 004221D5
014F:004221DC 83EBOD SUB EBX,OD
014F:004221DF 813B4641584D CMP DWORD PTR [EBX] ,4D584146
014F:004221E5 7515 JNZ 004221FC
014F:004221E7 817B044E473332 CMP DWORD PTR [EBX+04],3233474E
014F:004221EE 750C JNZ 004221FC
014F:004221FO 817B082E455845 CMP DWORD PTR [EBX+08],4558452E
014F:004221F7 7503 JNZ 004221FC
014F;004221F9 C60321 MOV BYTE PTR [EBX] ,21
014F:004221FC FF1568D04200 CALL [KERNEL32!CreateFileA]
014F:00422202 E976F9FFFF JMP 00421B7D
The final step is to write the "cut out" code, which is simply
nothing more than replacing the CALL CREATEFILEA with a jmp to our
stealth routine. Here is the disassembly of the code that is
listed above after the six byte "cut- out" patch:
014F:00421B72 55 PUSH EBP
014F:00421B73 51 PUSH ECX
014F:00421B74 53 PUSH EBX
014F;00421B75 52 PUSH EDX
014F:00421B76 50 PUSH EAX
014F:00421B77 E957060000 JMP 004221D3
014F:00421B7C 90 NOP
014F:00421B7D 8BF8 MOV EDI, EAX
That's it. The program is now completely cracked (you might
want to tweak FAXMNTKY.DLL to allow for "Live Update" off of the
menu and to remove the nag from the "ABOUT" but it's not really
necessary) The background thread that continually checks the file
integrity is redirected to a virgin copy of the executable each
time it is called which of course allows it to pass any CRC,
checksum, or similar algorithm.
As a final note, I will point the reader to,
who apparently authored the "integrity checking system" that
Symantec used on WinFax. Apparently, the protection system is
quite widespread. Pity, really.
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