ASM KEYGEN tutorial
How to write a key generator

(06 August 1997, slightly edited by Fravia)

Courtesy of Fravia's page of reverse engineering

Well, after having read this essay you should not have any problem whatsoever more with mathematical algorithms... an interesting "double" essay! And a little of assembling for once... should you have disassembled enough!


These are the tools i use in this tutorial:
 Soft-Ice 3.01
 W32Dasm 8.9 *Regged*

Getting Started:
 What we should do is: 1) get the registration code,
2) find where the code is being calculated and 3) rip it out.
I will use two easy targets as examples,
Command Line 97 1.0, and Flywheel V1.02b.

Command Line 97 1.0: 
 This program has a real simple code calculation.
I will guide you step by step how to get the serial,
how to rip it out and how to make a working key generator.

1. Start the Program

2. Select Register

3. Go into Soft-Ice by pressing Ctrl-D, and set a breakpoint on
   GetDlgItemTextA. Type 'bpx getdlgitemtexta'. Now Press Ctrl-D
   again to get out from Soft-Ice.

4. Enter your name and a serial... I used 'TERAPHY' and '12345'

5. Press OK Button.. Soft-Ice will now show up inside the call
   to GetDlgItemTextA. Press F11 to get out of that call.

Scroll up a bit and u will see this

:0040254B 6A1E                    push 0000001E
:0040254D 68300B4100              push 00410B30
:00402552 68F0030000              push 000003F0
:00402557 56                      push esi
:00402558 FF1550234100            Call [USER32!GetDlgItemTextA]

The memory location being pushed at 40254D is where your name is
stored. Type 'd 410B30', and you should see your name.

Below this you'll see

:0040255E 6A00                    push 00000000
:00402560 BF300B4100              mov edi, 00410B30
:00402565 6A00                    push 00000000
:00402567 68FC030000              push 000003FC
:0040256C 56                      push esi
:0040256D FF1518234100            Call [USER32!GetDlgItemInt]

Step until you reach 40256D. The call to Getdlgitemint returns
what you typed in as serial in eax. Type '? eax' and you will
see this: '00003039 0000012345 "09"'. 3039 is 12345 in hex.
Also notice :00402560. This command moves the offset of your name
into edi.

Below this, you will see

:00402573 B9FFFFFFFF              mov ecx, FFFFFFFF
:00402578 A354A54000              mov dword ptr [0040A554], eax
:0040257D 2BC0                    sub eax, eax
:0040257F F2                      repnz
:00402580 AE                      scasb
:00402581 F7D1                    not ecx
:00402583 49                      dec ecx

:00402578 saves your code for later use.
The rest of the code is used to calculate the string length of
your name... After this has been executed ecx contains the length
of your name. In my case '7'.

Below this, you'll see

:00402584 0FBE05300B4100          movsx eax, byte ptr [00410B30]
:0040258B 0FAFC8                  imul ecx, eax
:0040258E C1E10A                  shl ecx, 0A
:00402591 81C1CCF80200            add ecx, 0002F8CC
:00402597 890D50A54000            mov dword ptr [0040A550], ecx
:0040259D 390D54A54000            cmp dword ptr [0040A554], ecx

:00402584 moves the byte of the first letter to eax. 
In my case 54('T'). The next line multiplys eax (54),
with ecx (7). shl ecx, 0A means multiply ecx with 2^10.
And finally we add 02F8CC to ecx.
At :0040259D the registration code is compared with what
we typed in, remember it moved our code to [0040A554].
Type '? ecx' and you can see your real code.
But we don't just want the code, do we?
Leave SoftIce and exit Command Line 97.

6. Start W32Dasm, and dissasemble cline97.exe
   Save dissasembly to file and exit.

7. Now we are going to build the keygen itself.
Start your favorite texteditor and enter this code.

Code Segment Byte Public
Assume   Ds:Code,Cs:Code
Org  100h
P386				; this enables 386 instructions
				  and 32bit registers


	mov  ah,09
	mov  dx,offset Intro
	int  21h		; Show intro msg

	mov  ah,0Ah
	mov  dx,offset Namesto
	int  21h		; Get name

Now load the dissasembled text (cline97.alf) into your texteditor.
Goto :00402573. Copy all code from here down to :00402591,
and paste it into your asm source.

It will look like this
:00402573 B9FFFFFFFF              mov ecx, FFFFFFFF
:00402578 A354A54000              mov dword ptr [0040A554], eax
:0040257D 2BC0                    sub eax, eax
:0040257F F2                      repnz
:00402580 AE                      scasb
:00402581 F7D1                    not ecx
:00402583 49                      dec ecx
:00402584 0FBE05300B4100          movsx eax, byte ptr [00410B30]
:0040258B 0FAFC8                  imul ecx, eax
:0040258E C1E10A                  shl ecx, 0A
:00402591 81C1CCF80200            add ecx, 0002F8CC

Now you can start ripping. You should remove everything except the command
itself. The line :00402578 is obviously not needed, because it saves the
inputed regcode for later use, and our keygen does not prompt for any 
regcode... it calculates =)

The source in your program should look like this.

	mov ecx, FFFFFFFF
	sub eax, eax
	not ecx
	dec ecx
	movsx eax, byte ptr [00410B30]
	imul ecx, eax
	shl ecx, 0A
	add ecx, 0002F8CC

If you remember, it moved the offset of Name into edi earlier.
So we need to add this before mov ecx, FFFFFFFF
	xor edi,edi
	mov di, offset Namesto+2 ; this must be +2, becaue that's where
				 ; the actuall name begins.

The command mov ecx, FFFFFFFF can't be compiled this way, so we
have to change it to mov ecx, 0FFFFFFFFh.

movsx eax, byte ptr [00410B30] is not valid either, because
our name is'nt on [00410B30]. This could be changed to
	xor edi,edi
	mov di, offset Namesto+2
	movsx eax, byte ptr [edi]

Both 'shl ecx, 0A' and 'add ecx, 0002F8CC' needs to be changed to
valid hex format: 'shl ecx, 0Ah' and 'add ecx 2F8CCh'

We now have a source that should look like this

	xor edi,edi
	mov di,offset Namesto+2
	mov ecx, 0FFFFFFFFh
	sub eax, eax
	not ecx
	dec ecx
	xor edi,edi
	mov di,offset Namesto+2	
	movsx eax, byte ptr [edi]
	imul ecx, eax
	shl ecx, 0Ah
	add ecx, 2F8CCh

after the dec ecx, we need to add another dec ecx,
because when we enter our name, the last char will not be,
in my case, 'y', it will be 0Dh, the enter key.
This function, as it is, would return, in my case, ecx=8,
not ecx=7 as it should be.

movsx eax, byte ptr [edi] moves the ascii code of the first
letter to eax. But, what if the user has entered a name in
lowercase? The input box in Command Line 97 automatically
makes it capital letters. This could be fixed by adding this
code below movsx eax, byte ptr [edi].

	cmp eax, 061h   ; compare eax with 61h (a)
	jb capital		; jump if below
	cmp eax, 07Ah   ; compare eax with 7Ah (z)
	ja capital		; jump if above
	sub eax,20h		; convert char to capital

Our code now looks like

Code Segment Byte Public
Assume   Ds:Code,Cs:Code
Org  100h
P386				; this enables 386 instructions
				  and 32bit registers


	mov  ah,09
	mov  dx,offset Intro
	int  21h		; Show intro msg

	mov  ah,0Ah
	mov  dx,offset Namesto
	int  21h		; Get name

	xor edi,edi
	mov di,offset Namesto+2
	mov ecx, 0FFFFFFFFh
	sub eax, eax
	not ecx
	dec ecx
	dec ecx
	xor edi,edi
	mov di,offset Namesto+2	
	movsx eax, byte ptr [edi]
	cmp eax, 061h
	jb capital
	cmp eax, 07Ah
	ja capital
	sub eax,20h
	imul ecx, eax
	shl ecx, 0Ah
	add ecx, 2F8CCh

What we need now is a routine to show the serial.
We know that the serial is the decimal value of ecx.

	xor esi,esi
        mov si,offset Serial+9  ; esi is the offset there the
                                ; regnumber will be stored

	mov eax,ecx		; eax should be reg number
        mov ecx,0Ah
        xor edx,edx
        div ecx
        add dl,30h
        cmp dl,3Ah
        jl  printnow
        add dl,7
        dec esi
        mov [esi],dl
        or eax,eax
        jnz keepgoing

After this, serial contains the registration code.
You don't really need to understand this code. It can be used
by any keygen where the code is the decimal value of a register.

The only thing left to do is to add the command that writes
this to screen, in order to SEE it...

	mov ah, 9
	mov dx, offset RegPrompt
	int 21h

And finally we may quit.
	int 20h

The full source should look like this


Code Segment Byte Public
Assume   Ds:Code,Cs:Code
Org  100h
P386				; this enables 386 instructions
				; and 32bit registers


	mov  ah,09
	mov  dx,offset Intro
	int  21h		; Show intro msg

	mov  ah,0Ah
	mov  dx,offset Namesto
	int  21h		; Get name

	xor edi,edi
	mov di,offset Namesto+2
	mov ecx, 0FFFFFFFFh
	sub eax, eax
	not ecx
	dec ecx
              dec ecx			;ADDED! (21 Aug 1997)
	xor edi,edi
	mov di,offset Namesto+2	
	movsx eax, byte ptr [edi]
	cmp eax, 061h
	jb capital
	cmp eax, 07Ah
	ja capital
	sub eax,20h
	imul ecx, eax
	shl ecx, 0Ah
	add ecx, 2F8CCh

	xor esi,esi
        mov si,offset Serial+9
	mov eax,ecx
        mov ecx,0Ah
        xor edx,edx
        div ecx
        add dl,30h
        cmp dl,3Ah
        jl  printnow
        add dl,7
        dec esi
        mov [esi],dl
        or eax,eax
        jnz keepgoing

	mov ah, 9
	mov dx, offset RegPrompt
	int 21h
	int 20h

Intro		db 13,10,'COMMAND LINE 97 *KEYGEN*'
		db 13,10,'CODED BY TERAPHY [PC97]',13,10
		db 13,10,'Enter your name: $'

RegPrompt 	db 13,10,'Your registration key is: '
Serial		db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,13,10,24h

Namesto		db 18h,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

Code Ends
End Start

8. Compile the code with tasm.
	tasm keygen.asm
	tlink /t keygen.asm
   You must link with the /t option for the keygen to run,
   it makes it a com file.

9. Congratulations! You have just made your first(?) keygen!

Flywheel V1.02b ( 1. Start the Program 2. Select Register 3. Go into Soft-Ice by pressing Ctrl-D, and set a breakpoint on GetDlgItemTextA. Type 'bpx getdlgitemtexta'. Now Press Ctrl-D again to get out from Soft-Ice. 4. Enter your name ('TERAPHY') and any serial ('12345'). Press OK button, and Soft-Ice will show up. Scroll up a little bit and you'll see this :00402ACD 8D4C242C lea ecx, [esp+2C] :00402AD1 66AB stosw :00402AD3 6800010000 push 00000100 :00402AD8 51 push ecx :00402AD9 6A65 push 00000065 :00402ADB 56 push esi :00402ADC AA stosb :00402ADD FF151C154100 Call [USER32!GetDlgItemTextA] The important adress is where your name is being pushed, and that is push ecx. ecx got is value in turn from 'lea ecx,[esp+2C]'. Type 'd esp+2c', and you should see your name. Below is a call to GetDlgItemInt, and as you remember it returns the inputed value to eax. Type '? eax' to see the serial you wrote. Below this, you'll see the following snippet of code: :00402AF3 8D54242C lea edx, [esp+2C] :00402AF7 50 push eax :00402AF8 52 push edx :00402AF9 E8D2F9FFFF call 004024D0 :00402AFE 83C408 add esp, 00000008 :00402B01 85C0 test eax, eax 'lea edx,[esp+2C]' moves the offset of your name into edx, and then it pushes to stack. And eax contains our serial. And after the call it tests if eax is true or false. This calls the code where the registration code will be calculated. We trace into it. Step past the first instructions until you reach :004024EF B81F85EB51 mov eax, 51EB851F :004024F4 F7E7 mul edi :004024F6 C1EA05 shr edx, 05 :004024F9 52 push edx :004024FA 56 push esi :004024FB E8B0000000 call 004025B0 004024EF - 004024F6 makes edx all digits except the two last of what we typed in as serial. If you wrote '12345' edx will be '123', and if you wrote '072597' edx will be '0725'. Then it pushes edx and esi. esi is the offset to your name. Trace into the call. Step past a few instructions until you reach :004025B8 8A06 mov al, byte ptr [esi] esi contains the offset to your name, so this instrucion moves the ascii code of the first letter to al, in my case '54' :004025BA 84C0 test al, al :004025BC 7426 je 004025E4 This instrucions checks if we have inputed any name, if not it jumps. :004025BE 0FBEC0 movsx eax, al This instrucion moves al, to eax. If eax = FFFFFF54, after this eax would have been 00000054 :004025C1 50 push eax :004025C2 E889140000 call 00403A50 At a first look this call only moves the eax value to ecx. But it does also check for a space (20h) in eax. It returns false if there is no space. :004025C7 83C404 add esp, 00000004 This code adjust the stack and should be ignored :004025CA 85C0 test eax, eax :004025CC 750E jne 004025DC Test if a space was found. Jump if found. :004025CE 0FBE0E movsx ecx, byte ptr [esi] This moves the letter into ecx (where it should already be). :004025D1 51 push ecx :004025D2 E8E9120000 call 004038C0 If you, as in my case, wrote your name with a capital letter, this call will return eax = ascii code for your letter + 20h. This means that the character has been "lowercased", i.e. converted to lowercase. :004025D7 83C404 add esp, 00000004 Ignore this stack adjust, we are just discarding the stack space used for the parameters for the previous call. :004025DA 03F8 add edi, eax Add edi, eax. Eax is the value of our char in lowercase. :004025DC 8A4601 mov al, byte ptr [esi+01] :004025DF 46 inc esi Moves the value of the next char into al :004025E0 84C0 test al, al :004025E2 75DA jne 004025BE Test if al is 0. This means the end of our name has been reached. Jump if al is not 0. What this code has done, as you probably already figured out, is add the ascii value of all chars into edi. Except spaces (20h). It has also converted all capital chars into small letters. :004025E4 8B4C2410 mov ecx, [esp+10] This moves what we typed in (except the last two digits) into ecx :004025E8 8D14BF lea edx, [edi+4*edi] :004025EB 2BCF sub ecx, edi :004025ED 8D1457 lea edx, [edi+2*edx] :004025F0 85D2 test edx, edx :004025F2 740F je 00402603 :004025F4 B8ABAAAAAA mov eax, AAAAAAAB :004025F9 F7E2 mul edx :004025FB D1EA shr edx, 1 :004025FD 81C204060200 add edx, 00020604 :00402603 33C0 xor eax, eax :00402605 3BCA cmp ecx, edx This code checks if you typed in the right number. At 402605 the compare is made. But ecx is no longer what we wrote as serial, because of the 'sub ecx,edi' command. We could make a simple equation of this. Assume X is our registration code (except the two digits). 'X - EDI = EDX' Now type '? edx+edi' and, in my case, I'll get '136182' as decimal value. This is my regcode, except the two last digits. These digits could be anything. Now then we know my registration code is '13618200', we can start on the keygen. 5. Run W32Dasm and dissasemble flywheel.exe (the file is located in 'C:\Program Files\Plannet Crafters\Flywheel') Save the dissasembly to disk and quit. 6. Now it's time to start on the code. We can use the same start as in the last keygen. We go directly to the ripping part. You can start by copy all code from 4025B8 to 402605 into your program. That will look like this. :004025B8 8A06 mov al, byte ptr [esi] :004025BA 84C0 test al, al :004025BC 7426 je 004025E4 :004025BE 0FBEC0 movsx eax, al :004025C1 50 push eax :004025C2 E889140000 call 00403A50 :004025C7 83C404 add esp, 00000004 :004025CA 85C0 test eax, eax :004025CC 750E jne 004025DC :004025CE 0FBE0E movsx ecx, byte ptr [esi] :004025D1 51 push ecx :004025D2 E8E9120000 call 004038C0 :004025D7 83C404 add esp, 00000004 :004025DA 03F8 add edi, eax :004025DC 8A4601 mov al, byte ptr [esi+01] :004025DF 46 inc esi :004025E0 84C0 test al, al :004025E2 75DA jne 004025BE :004025E4 8B4C2410 mov ecx, dword ptr [esp+10] :004025E8 8D14BF lea edx, dword ptr [edi+4*edi] :004025EB 2BCF sub ecx, edi :004025ED 8D1457 lea edx, dword ptr [edi+2*edx] :004025F0 85D2 test edx, edx :004025F2 740F je 00402603 :004025F4 B8ABAAAAAA mov eax, AAAAAAAB :004025F9 F7E2 mul edx :004025FB D1EA shr edx, 1 :004025FD 81C204060200 add edx, 00020604 :00402603 33C0 xor eax, eax :00402605 3BCA cmp ecx, edx Here is how I would have ripped this into the program, with comments. ; THIS REPLACES 4025BE - 4025E2 xor ecx,ecx xor edi,edi mov di, offset NameSto+2 ; Mov the offset of your name ; into edi anotherchar: movsx eax, byte ptr [di] ; Get char from [di] cmp eax, 20h ; Compare your letter with 20h je space ; Jump if equal cmp eax, 041h ; Compare your letter to see jb capital ; if it's already is a cmp eax, 05Ah ; small lettter ja capital add eax,20h ; If capital char, add 20h to make ; it a small letter. capital: add ecx, eax ; add eax to ecx, if not space space: inc di ; inc di to make it point to the ; next char. cmp byte ptr [di], 0dh ; Compare next char with 0Dh (return) ; Remember then we get our name, it ; ends with a 0Dh jne anotherchar ; Jump if not 0Dh mov edi, ecx ; CODE BELOW REPLACES 4025E2 - 402603 ; All commands with ecx (our inputed code) is not needed ; because we do not input any code. xor edx,edx lea edx, [edi + 4*edi] lea edx, [edi + 2*edx] mov eax, 0AAAAAAABh mul edx shr edx, 1 add edx, 20604h xor ecx, ecx ; Here we do our equation add ecx, edx ; add ecx, edi ; ecx = edx + edi After this, ecx contains the regcode. The complete source could look like this. Code Segment Byte Public Assume Ds:Code,Cs:Code Org 100h P386 Start: mov ah,09 mov dx,offset Intro int 21h ; Show intro msg mov ah,0Ah mov dx,offset Namesto int 21h ; Get name xor ecx,ecx xor edi,edi mov di, offset NameSto+2 anotherchar: movsx eax, byte ptr [di] cmp eax, 20h je space cmp eax, 041h jb capital cmp eax, 05Ah ja capital add eax,20h capital: add ecx, eax space: inc di cmp byte ptr [di], 0dh jne anotherchar mov edi, ecx xor edx,edx lea edx, [edi + 4*edi] lea edx, [edi + 2*edx] mov eax, 0AAAAAAABh mul edx shr edx, 1 add edx, 20604h xor ecx, ecx add ecx, edx add ecx, edi xor esi,esi mov si,offset Serial+9 mov eax,ecx mov ecx,0Ah KeepGoing: xor edx,edx div ecx add dl,30h cmp dl,3Ah jl printnow add dl,7 printnow: dec esi mov [esi],dl or eax,eax jnz keepgoing mov ah, 9 mov dx, offset RegPrompt int 21h int 20h Intro db 13,10,'FLYWHEEL 1.2 *KEYGEN*' db 13,10,'CODED BY TERAPHY [PC97]',13,10 db 13,10,'Enter your name: $' RegPrompt db 13,10,'Your registration key is: ' Serial db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'0','0',13,10,24h Namesto db 18h,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 Code Ends End Start Now compile, run and enjoy! :) ================== = TERAPHY [PC97] = = 07/25/1997 = ==================
(c) Teraphy, 1997. All rights reserved.
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