
Here you are: this page can be reached from myown511.htm on a specific day in march using the 'correct' password... the one that would allow you to enter the 'devious' javascript page on 20 march.
Here, below, you can see a more complex form of date encryption... ready to be inserted in the code in the page you redcome from. But I did not wanted to make things too complicated (they will be complicated enough when we'll go together along the 'higher' javascript protections paths)... and I did NOT use it in my code.

In fact, the code below can be used to create a 'rotating' secret access page... if you find this interesting and if you reach the devious page (which is fairly easy now) and if you write a contribution on this kind of stuff to be published there, I will publish there the COMPLETE implementation of this kind of trick... at work!

function passEncode(form) { vournt(form.password.value); } function vournt(passwd) { var Key = getKey(); var Ret = encode (passwd, Key); location = baseurl + Ret + "/"; } function getKey() { if (codeoverride == -1) { var months = new Array(); months[0]=31; months[1]=28; months[2]=31; months[3]=30; months[4]=31; months[5]=30; months[6]=31; months[7]=31; months[8]=30; months[9]=31; months[10]=30; months[11]=31; var dater = new Date(); var Key = 0; for (var count = 0; count < dater.getMonth();count++) { Key = Key + months[count]; } Key += dater.getDate(); if (changetype == "DAYS") { Key = Key / changen; }else if (changetype == "WEEKS"){ Key = Key / 7; Key = Key / changen; }else{ Key = dater.getMonth() + (dater.getYear() * 12); Key = Key / changen; } dater = null; }else{ Key = codeoverride; } Key = Math.floor(Key); return (Key); }