+HCU 1997, Project2: WiniceNT cracking
Phase 6

Courtesy of Fravia's page of reverse engineering
18 July 1997
There still was much work to do in the fourth phase, as I mentioned,
because IgNorAMUS only in the long run had told how it was done (he had
done the most tricky part of it, though).

There were many bits of information that were left out, not only the new
checksum itself but also the exact location and code of the routine
"similar to NmGetNumDaysLeft". Now here it is, in HIEW (I first had to
update my entire toolbox. You *must* have version 5.60 or greater,
because of the checksum later on) search for the following:

             This the line of KeQueryGetSystemTime
.0002A02C: FF1508380D00  call   KeQuerySystemTime ;ntoskrnl.exe 
.0002A032: 8D8D04FFFFFF  lea    ecx,[ebp][0FFFFFF04]            
.0002A038: 8D853CFFFFFF  lea   eax,[ebp][0FFFFFF3C]            
.0002A03E: 51            push  ecx                             
.0002A03F: 50            push  eax                             
.0002A040: FF1504380D00                 call   RtlTimeToTimeFields;ntoskrnl.exe
.0002A046: 0FBF8D04FFFFFF               movsx ecx,w,[ebp][0FFFFFF04]          
.0002A04D: 0FBF8508FFFFFF               movsx eax,w,[ebp][0FFFFFF08]          
.0002A054: 0FBF9506FFFFFF               movsx edx,w,[ebp][0FFFFFF06]          
.0002A05B: 51                           push  ecx                             
.0002A05C: 50                           push  eax                             
.0002A05D: 52                           push  edx                             
.0002A05E: E8D1160000                   call  .00002B734   ------(1)      
  				This is IT. Follow Me!

Then you're landing in a routine quite (but not wholly) similar to that
one in Phase 2; Page down... down... down - gotcha:

.0002B7FA: 034D08                       add   ecx,[ebp][00008]                
.0002B7FD: 6BC01F                       imul  eax,eax,01F                     
.0002B800: 6BC91F                       imul  ecx,ecx,01F                     
.0002B803: 8D1438                       lea   edx,[eax][edi]                  
.0002B806: 8B450C                       mov   eax,[ebp][0000C]                
.0002B809: 03C1                         add   eax,ecx                         
.0002B80B: 3BC2                         cmp   eax,edx                         
.0002B80D: 7202                         jb    .00002B811   -------(1)      
.0002B80F: 2BC2                         sub   eax,edx                         
.0002B811: 83F80E                       cmp   eax,00E                         
.0002B814: EB0F                         jmps  .00002B825   -------(2)      
.0002B816: C705B0E4060000000000         mov   d,[00006E4B0],000000000         
.0002B820: 8B45F8                       mov   eax,[ebp][-0008]                
.0002B823: 7213                  ****   jb  .00002B838   ---------- (3)*** --> jmps...
.0002B825: B90E000000                   mov   ecx,00000000E                   
.0002B82A: 2BC8                  ****   sub    ecx,eax			*** --> nop nop
.0002B82C: 8D4601                       lea   eax,[esi][00001]                
.0002B82F: 6BC003                       imul  eax,eax,003                     
.0002B832: 890DB0E40600                 mov   [00006E4B0],ecx                 
.0002B838: 5F                           pop   edi                             
.0002B839: 5E                           pop   esi                             
.0002B83A: 5B                           pop   ebx                             

So what you have to do is change
7213 in EB13	(short jump sufficient)
2BCB in 9090

This is the first part of it. Now for the tricky one. First the checksum
 for retrieval. Hit F8 in HIEW:

Checksum:		000DBB04

Now we can search for this constant in register EDX when tracing into
the call right after NTOSKRNL!ZwOpenFile to be sure we are near it;
First, take NTOSKRNL.EXE into the Exports listbox in loader32, then
start up the unchanged Version of NTICE.SYS. BPX ZwOpenfile as assumed
in phase 4. Outta there.

This is again a point I first didn't understand. Why should the NTICE
fake be renamed in PNPISA.SYS? Wouldn't it have been much funnier to
name it "Winnie.sys"? Then I realized what IgNorAMUS meant with it. A
breeze for crackers, in NT most of the drivers can be loaded and
unloaded "afterwards" in the running environment (understand now why I
like working with it? 95 is game. NT is business. They take it much more
serious). What you do is search the listbox of Control, Devices (hope I
got the names right!) for a device that is loaded at "System" level
_and_ deactivated (==not needed). Rename NTICE.SYS or what you have to
the name of this device (backup!!!) and click the Start button. Just
like that! And restart and restart and restart if you need to. No silly

When everything is done right, you don't wait for long and wham! Winnie
pops up with the breakpointed line. Trace now. Only step over the
NTOSKRNL calls. Keep watching EDX. Near the end of the second call the
checksum appears, and the "new" one in 

EAX: 000D83E2.

Caution: When you simply step over the call, directly to

cmp al,al

the checksum is slightly different. If you now press F5, the well known
MessageBox appears: "...something... 00000221". Nevermore!

Hiew the PNPISA.SYS now and search for the anagram: 04 BB 0D 00. Change
to E2 83 0D 00. Restart in the devices window. Now another Box appears,
telling you that you can't have the same device twice. Yahoo!

That's all about it. Now, before doing anything else, "take the cracked
NTICE.SYS out of the traffic", as a german phrase goes, and replace it
with the original PNPISA.SYS (Remark: This driver comes first with the
service pack 3 of NT4!). If you don't, this means war because at next
bootup the driver will then be loaded. Or even not. And if you have NT
running on a NTFS partition, you will have to install a second NT4 on
your system to get back to it (sort of service station, not a bad move

Now reboot and enjoy.

What there is left to say: You have to live on with the Registry keys
OleGUIDHigh and OleGUIDLow and also with the lines at the bottom of
Winice.dat. But don't matter, eh?

Birdy Harry

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