Cool 3D by Ulead - up against nags and smears
Easy unsmearing and denagging

by DrLan
(03 September 1997)

Courtesy of Fravia's page of reverse engineering

Well, it's a stimulating essay. As usual, when two brains do reverse the same target, they pick very interesting approaches, you may like to have a look at plushmm's attempt on the same target in order to learn even more from a single session

Target Program: Cool 3D by Ulead
Protection: Nag(s), "smearing"
Cracked by: drlan [Me'97/C4N]!

Tools needed:
- SoftICE Win95 3.01 (see +HCU's project 2)
- W32Dasm 8.9 (any version will do... see +HCU's project 0)
- Hex Editor (I like PSEdit and Hex Workshop)

I didn't realize it when I set out to crack this program, but it had
already been cracked by plushmm.  Should have checked first.  Anyway,
I did crack it and I'd like to share what I found so that others may
benefit from this knowledge.

I started out by running the program to get a feel for the protection.
The program pops in the beginning with a nag screen.  Anything you try
to print or save has the word SAMPLE "smeared" on it.  Finally, we get
another nag upon exiting the program.  The nag tells us that if we are
good people and buy the registered version, we will be free to use it
without the lovely nag screen and that our output won't have the SAMPLE
banner.  There is no option to "enable" the program by entering a name
and registration code, so we're going to have to crack this babe.  Ok,
sounds like we're up against the nag(s) and the smear.

I like to "dead list" a program before I whip out the ice (SoftICE).
So, I fired up W32Dasm and let 'er rip.  If you're using a registered
version of W32Dasm, you'll end up with a file called u3dedit.alf in your
W32Dasm\wpjfiles directory.  This file will be about 12 Mb.  You can use
W32Dasm to search the listing or save the file and use your favourite word
processor or text file lister.  In my listing I found a few interesting
items in the imports section:

   Import Module 005: About.dll

Addr:000B52C6 hint(0002) Name: IsFullVersion    ; here
Addr:000B52B6 hint(0004) Name: ShowAboutBox     ; here
Addr:000B52D6 hint(0001) Name: InitAboutDll

Let's look deeper at our listing to see where these functions are called.
Here's the first spot.  I've included a little extra code prior to the
ShowAboutBox because something interesting lurks here...

* Reference To: USER32.IsWindowVisible, Ord:016Ah
:00410552 FF15784F4B00            Call dword ptr [004B4F78]
:00410558 85C0                    test eax, eax
:0041055A 7418                    je 00410574
:0041055C 833DD0F64A0000          cmp dword ptr [004AF6D0], 00000000    ;here
:00410563 740F                    je 00410574
:00410565 8B45F0                  mov eax, dword ptr [ebp-10]
:00410568 FF701C                  push [eax+1C]

* Reference To: About.ShowAboutBox, Ord:0004h
:0041056B FF15C0494B00            Call dword ptr [004B49C0]
:00410571 83C404                  add esp, 00000004

* Referenced by a Jump at Addresses:0041055A(C), :00410563(C)
:00410574 8D45BC                  lea eax, dword ptr [ebp-44]
:00410577 8B4DF0                  mov ecx, dword ptr [ebp-10]
:0041057A C745BC2C000000          mov [ebp-44], 0000002C
:00410581 50                      push eax
:00410582 E84BE20400              call 0045E7D2

Hmm, that location [004AF6D0] looks a lot like a good guy/bad guy "flag"
to me.  Why?  Well, the je 00410574 following the compare jumps right
over the ShowAboutBox (nag).  We need to find out where the flag gets set.
So, let's find out where that memory location gets written to.  Clear or
disable any existing breakpoints in SoftICE.

sICE command: bd * (to temporarily disable all breakpoints)
or: bc * (to clear all breakpoints)

Set a breakpoint on memory write to our suspect location.

sICE command: bpm 004AF6D0 w

Now run the program.  SoftICE should pop at the following code section:

* Reference To: About.IsFullVersion, Ord:0002h
:00439979 FF15BC494B00            Call dword ptr [004B49BC]
:0043997F 83C404                  add esp, 00000004
:00439982 8DBED8000000            lea edi, dword ptr [esi+000000D8]
:00439988 C786C000000001000000    mov dword ptr [esi+000000C0], 00000001 ;here
:00439992 6800010000              push 00000100
:00439997 83F801                  cmp eax, 00000001
:0043999A 1BC0                    sbb eax, eax
:0043999C 57                      push edi
:0043999D F7D8                    neg eax
:0043999F 6A00                    push 00000000

* Reference To: KERNEL32.GetModuleFileNameA, Ord:00FBh
:004399A1 FF15AC4B4B00            Call dword ptr [004B4BAC]
:004399A7 57                      push edi

Ok, the instruction mov dword ptr [esi+000000C0], 00000001 is setting
the "flag" to 1.  Remember, our previous code segment would have jumped
over the ShowAboutBox (nag) if this flag was zero.  This is the first
part of our crack.  We need to change the instruction into:

:00439988 C786C000000000000000    mov dword ptr [esi+000000C0], 00000000

This puts a 0 into our flag location and should make the program happy!

You can try it live in SoftICE by placing a breakpoint on the line that
sets the flag.  Run the program again and when it breaks on the line,
assemble in the new instruction.

sICE command: A
sICE command: mov dword ptr [esi+000000C0], 00000000
sICE command: Esc

Press F5 to continue running and you should be in, without the nag.

What's left?  Remember the nag said that the registered version did not
have the nag and that it did not print the SAMPLE banner across all the
output.  If you do a print or print preview, you'll see SAMPLE overlaid
on top of your nice 3D letters.  Not very appealing...  So, let's search
and destroy.

Back to our "dead listing" now...  Let's just search for SAMPLE.  Lo and
behold!  Could it be so easy?  Sure it could.  Again, I've included some
of the code from above because again it holds something interesting...

* Referenced by a Jump at Address:00423C55(C)
:00423C7A 8D45E0                  lea eax, dword ptr [ebp-20]
:00423C7D 8D4DB8                  lea ecx, dword ptr [ebp-48]
:00423C80 50                      push eax
:00423C81 E80A260400              call 00466290
:00423C86 8945E8                  mov dword ptr [ebp-18], eax
:00423C89 85C0                    test eax, eax
:00423C8B 7523                    jne 00423CB0                          ;here
:00423C8D C645FC01                mov [ebp-04], 01
:00423C91 E89E020000              call 00423F34
:00423C96 C645FC00                mov [ebp-04], 00
:00423C9A E89D020000              call 00423F3C
:00423C9F C745FCFFFFFFFF          mov [ebp-04], FFFFFFFF
:00423CA6 E8A3020000              call 00423F4E
:00423CAB E9A6020000              jmp 00423F56                          ;hmm?

* Referenced by a Jump at Address:00423C8B(C)

* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"SAMPLE"
:00423CB0 BBB8994A00              mov ebx, 004A99B8
:00423CB5 53                      push ebx
:00423CB6 E8B5360200              call 00447370
:00423CBB 83C404                  add esp, 00000004
:00423CBE 8D4DB0                  lea ecx, dword ptr [ebp-50]
:00423CC1 51                      push ecx
:00423CC2 50                      push eax
:00423CC3 53                      push ebx
:00423CC4 FF75C0                  push [ebp-40]

* Reference To: GDI32.GetTextExtentPointA, Ord:0108h

Ok, so we are dropped right into the routine to setup for the SAMPLE
banner by this line:

:00423C8B 7523                    jne 00423CB0

If we hadn't taken this jump and continued down through the code, we would
have ended up at this line:

:00423CAB E9A6020000              jmp 00423F56

Let's see what's at :00423F56

* Referenced by a Jump at Addresses:00423AF8(C), :00423B03(C), :00423B6E(C), :00423BBE(U), :00423C75(U), :00423CAB(U), :00423D4D(U), :00423D96(U)
:00423F56 33C0                    xor eax, eax

* Referenced by a Jump at Addresses:00423B1E(U), :00423F0A(U)
:00423F58 8B4DF4                  mov ecx, dword ptr [ebp-0C]
:00423F5B 5F                      pop edi
:00423F5C 64890D00000000          mov dword ptr fs:[00000000], ecx
:00423F63 5E                      pop esi
:00423F64 5B                      pop ebx
:00423F65 8BE5                    mov esp, ebp
:00423F67 5D                      pop ebp
:00423F68 C3                      ret

Just tidying up a bit and preparing to RETurn.  This looks like it
might just jump right over the whole SAMPLE banner mess.  Let's try
it.  We could change the jne 00423CB0 from line :00423C8B in several
ways.  Two of the more common would be:

1) Blatantly NOP out the instruction(s).  NOP stands for No-Operation.
As the name implies, it basically does nothing.  NOP is a single byte
instruction so it would take 2 NOPs to wipe out our jne 00423CB0.  Some
programs "sniff" out multiple NOPs and will not behave correctly if they
detect "tampering."  So perhaps a better way is something a little less

2) Our master, +ORC teaches us that INC EAX, DEC EAX works quite nicely.
So we change:

:00423C8B 7523                    jne 00423CB0


:00423C8B 40                      inc eax
:00423C8C 48                      dec eax

Which fills the space perfectly.  Our next instruction number is
:00423C8D which is correct.

You can try this live in SoftICE, or patch the program with your favorite
hex editor.  I, like +ORC, prefer the good old PSEdit.  It's small, fast 
and runs in DOS.

That should take care of our program.  The opening and closing nags are
gone and the annoying SAMPLE banner has been removed from our output.
This should make your evaluation far more enjoyable.

Note: The ShowAboutBox still lives behind the Help/About menu selection.
I tried opening the program in Borland's Resource Workshop to see if there
was a "nicer" about dialog that I could enable.  However, BRW choked on the
program and said it was an unrecognized format.

We could eliminate it altogether, though.  Search your dead listing again
for ShowAboutBox.  The first occurrence is the opening nag which we've fixed
by setting the flag to 0.  The second occurrence is the Help/About.  You can
tell because there are no conditional jumps into or over it.  Here is the
code segment.

:0043A2C6 8B411C                  mov eax, dword ptr [ecx+1C]
:0043A2C9 FF701C                  push [eax+1C]

* Reference To: About.ShowAboutBox, Ord:0004h
:0043A2CC FF15C0494B00            Call dword ptr [004B49C0]
:0043A2D2 83C404                  add esp, 00000004
:0043A2D5 C3                      ret

Let's try eliminating the call.  Again, this could be done any number of
different ways.  Here's the approach I took.


:0043A2CC FF15C0494B00            Call dword ptr [004B49C0]


:0043A2CC 40                      inc eax
:0043A2CD 48                      dec eax
:0043A2CE 40                      inc eax
:0043A2CF 48                      dec eax
:0043A2D0 40                      inc eax
:0043A2D1 48                      dec eax

This makes :0043A2D2 our next instruction, which is good.  This trick
works here, but will not work in all circumstances.  You need to watch
what gets PUSHed onto the stack prior to the call.  A "stack heavy" call
usually cannot be eliminated in this way.  A more creative approach must
be taken under those circumstances.


GreetZ: Everyone in [Me'97/C4N], PC'97, UCF, Fravia+ and +ORC.


(c) Drlan, 1997. All rights reversed.
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