Fravia's search forms and tools
(version May 1999)
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Altavista Yahoo! Excite Wwworm Magellan Lykos FTP-search Webcrawler Infoseek Hotbot Northernlight

Just copy this page onto your harddisk as c:\sealight.htm (or whatever), and then use it (after having edited anything you fancy) in order to perform EFFECTIVE searches on the web (and elsewhere). Check the complete bulletr.gifsearch engines and the various bulletr.gifhow to search pages for more explanations and to acquire all the necessary skills.

Search engines forms

(Very quick! Text-only version, of course!)

Ask AltaVista a question.  Or enter a few words in

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Search - Advanced - Usenet



Describe what you want to find using Excite...
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 My search results MUST contain
 My search results MUST NOT contain
 My search results CAN contain
 Display my results by document with and results per page.
 Display the top 40 results grouped by web site.




lycos catalog a2z directory point reviews

Over 100 million files have been catalogued by Lycos, now managing the famous Trondheim engine, and can be searched using either the
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Search type: Try exact hits first
Max hits: Max matches: Max hits/match:
Limit to domain Limit to path
Hide Packages Distfiles FreeBSD OpenBSD NetBSD Linux

Formatting Parameters
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Per-host headernothingjust hostHost and country
Sort bynothing (unsorted)Host, pathHost (distance)Size, dateDate, host
Truncate hostnames (longer than  characters.)


Search the web and show for results




Pages Must Include:
image  MP3
video  JavaScript
Return Results:


(Click redball to perform your search)
Select: All Sources -- Search the World Wide Web & Special Collection
World Wide Web -- Search the entire World Wide Web
Special Collection -- 1 million articles not on other search engines


You can of course search usenet switching the search engines above, else use the 'usenet dedicated' depositories...
This is where you can do many researches. Find a newsgroup that talks about your subjects first, then go there and refine the search by adding to or typing over the original search entry displayed in the query box.

Search Usenet For:
Select documents matching all any keywords.
Display hitlist in concise detailed format.

Inference robots and scripts

(Scripts that allow you to query (almost) simultaneously more than one search engine: "The Intelligent Massively Fast Parallel Web Search")

Inference find search (This little juwel will produce an *.htm file with all found links in correct order)

Enter Query:
And click this redball:
MaxTime: seconds

Dogpile web search (Dogpile is the "summa" of the main search engines)

Search and then
Wait a maximum of Seconds.

Google (Very important inference tool because it has CACHED pages!)
Search the web using Google

All-in-one forms

(AV, EX, LY, NS, WC, YA, FT, FZ, IP image search)

(AV, EX, IS, LY, YA)

Search the internet for

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