This plugin shows the total number of articles and comments as well as statistics about which platforms and browsers were used in comment writing. It uses icons to identify both platforms and browsers.
To install it, just unzip the file into your plugins directory. After this, activate the plugin in your WordPress blog dashboard. To finish, include the line
<?php display_comment_stats(’duh’); ?>
in whatever place in your template. Personally, I like the sidebar (sidebar.php).
The plugin doesn’t have all the platforms and browsers available, just the major ones, but it’s very easy to add any of them. Just go to your WordPress database, table wp_comments, field comment_agent, check the string and use it like the others in dcs.php file following the examples you can see there. You can see it working in this very same page. Worry not, the plugin is written in English :)
The plugin is very easy to translate to any language, just edit dcs.php file and change the few strings it has on the top. If you experience troubles installing it or have any suggestions, please leave a comment in this article. I’ll gladly help you.
Get the plugin here. If you use it, just send me an email. I’m looking forward to your feedback.
Kind regards,
Mario Gamito
Fixed another URL.
Added the license under this bit of code is under. Some chap wanted to make some modifications and wrote to me asking if he could, because he saw no license. Well, it’s GPL. Mess at will :)
Forgot to add the Chrome icon. Shame one me :(
Added Google Chrome Browser
Another bug fix in the install procedure.
Fixed a nasty bug that aborted the installation process.
A f* ”
19/07/2008 :: 1.5.0
Fixed the article count. Drafts are no longer being counted.
18/07/2008 :: 1.4.10
No changes, just checking compatibility with WP 2.6
01/05/2008 :: 1.4.8
Added Flock browser.
09/04/2008 :: 1.4.6
A minor tweak.
08/04/2008 :: 1.4.4
Just updated the screenshot in WordPress site. No changes in the code.
02/04/2008 :: 1.4.2
Added Netnewswire, Epiphany and Unbranded Firefox browsers.
30/03/2008 :: 1.4.0
Changed location of the pictures to be inside plugins directory and the install
process is now more easy and standard compliant.
25/03/2008 :: 1.2.4
A minor tweak.
25/03/2008 :: 1.2.2
More detailed instructions.
25/03/2008 :: 1.2.0
Fixed a nasty install bug. Shame on me :(
05/03/2008 :: 1.0.34
Added Lynx browser.
07/02/2008 :: 1.0.32
Some minor tweaks.
23/02/2008 :: 1.0.30
Missing include line in readme.txt. Sorry, my bad :(
22/02/208 :: 1.0.28
Condensed icon display code, it’s now more efficient.
22/20/2008 :: 1.0.20
Fixed a bug that prevented icons from appearing outside the main page.
19/02/2008 :: v. 1.0.18
Added screenshot to plugin’s page.
19/02/2008 :: v. 1.0
Translated to English.
18/02/2008 :: v. 0.2.10
Changed dcs.php header and readme.txt to cope with the standards.
12/02/2008 :: v. 0.2.2
There was a blank space missing between the icons and the figures.
11/02/2008 :: v. 0.2.1
Now, the number of platforms and browsers are automatically arranged in descending order.
Ainda não instalei o plugin mas adianto desde já ser bastante interessante ver esses dados. :)
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“To finish, include the line in whatever place in your template. Personally, I like the sidebar (sidebar.php).”
Which line need to be include in the template?? :(
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@Aldo: Sorry, a linha já lá esteve, não sei como desapareceu :(
Agora está arranjado. Obrigado por me avisar.
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é dificil, da tua parte, transformares o plug-in num widget? Estou só a perguntar.
Obrigado pelo plug-in :D
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@BL: Quando tiver um bocadinho de tempo livre, sim :)
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Estes plug-ins dão para instalar em contas free, tipo a minha do wordpress?
E, em que zona da Administração do blog conseguimos fazer alterações como estas? Melhoramentos, Opções? Onde será?
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hi :)
can you tel me … from where i can get the plugins Visitantes ( visitors )
like here on your blog .. i need him
thank you :)
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@majood: It’s here:
You’re Welcome.
Mário Gamito
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ty alot Mário Gamito ..
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Aló Mario Gamito,
Brevemente irei lançar meu Blog no sitio, pelo que irei usar o teu plugin “Display Comments Statistics” versão 1.0.34.
No entanto, após a instalação constatei que os icons não apareciam no code, então tive que fuçar no code e alterei as linhas
echo ” “;
echo ” “;
E outra coisa que vou alterar num instante é:
Eu preciso que numa primeira fase as estatisticas estejam disponiveis para os que tiverem role admin, então irei hacker teu code de modo a ter isso patente.
Marcos de Sousa
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@Marcos de Sousa: Estás à vontade.
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How do I show the user data in the comments list, like you do here?
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I’m using this plugin on my Web site, works great, I would still like to know how to show info in the comments list though.
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@Tim Wehatley:
1) At what user data are you referring ?
2) At what info do you refer in the comments list?
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Hey there, my name is Hugo, nice plugin, good job. I have a question… with your plugin, how i can put the total visitors in my blog?. You show this three things:
If you can see, in my blog i just can show “Escrita and Comentários” but i want to show “Visitantes” too, i hope that you can help me, thanks.
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Hi Hugo,
Thank you for your nice words about my plugin.
As to what you’re looking for (the total and online visitors), it’s another plugin (not by me), it just happens that they are placed next to each other on my blog’s sidebar.
You can find it at
Kind Regards,
Mário Gamito
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Hey… thanks for your answer :mrgreen:
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hi. Thanks for plugin
best regards
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Does this plugins shows the info about the browser and OS on every comment like it’s showing here under each comment? Or do I need another plugins for that? Love the info that’s showing under each comment btw. :D
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@JunkieYard: No, that is another plugin: Browser Sniff.
You can find it here:
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Thanks. Checking it out. Love ya! :-P
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Hi Mario
Thank you for the bugfix, installation runs perfectly now.
Have a nice day
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Sobre que licença é disponibilizado o plug-in? Posso altera-lo?
Já o fiz, mas se não deixares modificar, removo a alteração. É que não gosto de ver uma série de zeros a aparecerem (eu não sou tão popular como tu :P).
Só adicionei dois if($var > 0)
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@BL: É pá, eu nem pus licença nenhuma, embora ande sempre com ideia de pôr. Vou tratar disso hoje. É GPL, podes mexer à vontade, faz o que quiseres na boa.
Mário Gamito
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Fixe :)
Adicionei tb isto:
title=\”Browser: $key\”
title=\”OS: $key\”
aos echos do img. Assim qd deixas o rato em cima da imagem aparece uma tooltip a dizer ao que corresponde a imagem :)
PS: Não estou a pensar em redistribuir, se quiseres (re)utilizar as alterações tudo bem :)
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