[absinto@apeadeiro.org ~]$ mysql -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 74925 to server version: x.y.zz
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
mysql> use myblog;
Database changed
mysql> SELECT comment_post_ID AS post_id, count(*) AS most_read, post_title,
guid FROM wp_comments, wp_posts WHERE comment_post_ID = ID AND post_title
<> 'Comments plugin' GROUP BY comment_post_ID ORDER BY most_read DESC LIMIT 10;
| post_id | most_read | post_title | guid |
| 337 | 19 | os sites do gásoil | link |
| 25 | 17 | apple killed the linux star | link |
| 259 | 15 | sporting e benfica | link |
| 310 | 15 | foi bonita a festa, pá | link |
| 83 | 14 | direito de resposta | link |
| 142 | 14 | leitores de mp3, ipod e outros e gadgets | link |
| 73 | 13 | vá, não gozem comigo, está bem ? | link |
| 232 | 13 | clube do bairro das antas campeão | link |
| 305 | 13 | ele há coisas que nunca mudam | link |
| 286 | 12 | hoje é 1 de maio | link |
10 rows in set (0.03 sec)
mysql> quit
[absinto@apeadeiro.org ~]$