peter Gabriel lança site de música online
13/Fev/2008 @ 20:23 Música

De acordo com a BBC, o Peter Gabriel – de quem sou grande fã, BTW – vai lançar um site chamado We7 com vista a distribuir música gratuita e de modo legal.
As canções descarregadas do site que tem como lema Don’t Steal It, We7 It!, terão publicidade que reverterá a favor dos autores das canções. Peter Gabriel diz ao site da BBC:
“We7 aims to be one of the major music download destinations within months.”

E ainda (o negrito é meu):
“Mr Gabriel added that the site was setting up a completely new model of providing a “real source of income” for artists who do not benefit from pirate downloads.
He hoped that by doing this, the site could occupy a “new territory” that sits between sites that sell music downloads and file-sharing sites.”
“All this stuff is moving around freely, and I think that’s really important - it’s a great leveller for the world,” he said.

“At the same time, I do think it’s fair that the people who generate content get something for it. And we’ve seen time and time again, where there are flat-rate payments, that artists are right at the bottom of the feeding chain.”

Grande Peter Gabriel.

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